Really, Fear The Walking Dead!
7 09 22
So this blog starts simply like this.
I love horror in all its forms, however of course there are some horror and or sci-fi films/characters/books that I truly despise. I am not like YOU and YOU are not like ME, we all have our own quirks and own things that make us well…US.
So let me start by saying I will not watch AMC’s “Fear the Walking Dead” just like I stopped watching “The Walking Dead after the second season. My reason is simple, MY view of horror is this, I don’t want to watch 90% drama and 10% horror. I watch a horror/sub horror to enjoy it, and towards the end of the second season of The Walking Dead it just turned into some b*lls#it show where we had to many subplots, not enough horror, more camera time on Darrel because he was turned into a sex symbol and to be honest it just turned to tripe. I get it, I do I really do get it. The creator/director/studios all wanted to show everything, not just horror of zombies, but the struggle of a father and son, brothers, loves lost, sisters, racial tension, leadership issues, greed problems, power struggles like I say I get it! But that’s not to me what a horror is about. I felt like towards the end of TWD it was like some strange “Golden Girls meets the A-Team with a little of Lost” thrown in there. The reason I now won’t even start to watch Fear the Walking Dead is because I feel they took enough of my time and had the chance to prove themselves and they failed so I won’t watch a spin off to allow them to regurgitate more tripe to try to bring in a huge rating (Which I know they will because there are more people who want to know about it) and get signed for another season and another and another until they decide to do another side spin off. So I won’t waste my real life sitting there watching some crap that I feel they are only pulling out to try to generate more $$$$. I would rather sit and watch a multitude of Independent movies and support them.
Of course I did like The Walking Dead when it started and just like everyone else was excited that a zombie show was going to be on primetime and was based on an apocalyptic world where we follow a small band of survivors. But like I say that changed rather quickly. It was at that crucial moment when I had to walk away. So to everyone out there who does watch TWD and FTWD enjoy.